Thursday, December 8, 2011

Klitschko vs. Klitschko: Vitali Profile 2

Good evening fans! We here at Athletes and Eras are even more excited about this fight than ever! We hope you are, too!We left off with Vitali Klitschko defending his four titles. His first defense was against Juan Carlos Gomez, and Vitali dominated that fight. In the ninth round, Vitali won by TKO, but it was obvious our boy would win from the beginning. Vitali has continued to reign over the heavyweight division, accumulating 43 wins with 40 knockouts; for you math freaks who are crunching away at your calculators, that's a. 88% knockout rate, the highest in all of heavyweight boxing history.
Vitali has continued his long and impressive string of victories, knocking out 5 of his last 6 opponents. For the last ten years, he and his brother Wladimir have been a dominant, nigh unbeatable. They each have a legitimate claim to the heavyweight championship of the world, the only two brothers in boxing history to reign simultaneously. Yet both fighters have agreed that they would never meet in the ring to see who is the better brother. Well, in our ring, we're going to find out! We can honestly say that this is the most excited we have ever been for a match-up! You should be excited too! Don't forget to tune in this Sunday to see who wins! It's an event of global proportions!

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